Unless otherwise noted, all images on this page prepared by CMG Landscape Architecture with Kennerly Architecture + Planning and Gehl Studio. All designs are conceptual and pending further refinement.


The existing Franklin-Fulton intersection poses a dangerous pedestrian crossing, provides substandard accessibility, and presents an unmemorable entry into the War Memorial Complex and Historic Civic Center District.

War Memorial Gateway - Existing View

Parked cars block view of War Memorial and City Hall.

War Memorial Gateway - Existing View

The existing pedestrian path of travel is narrow and cluttered, posing significant ADA challenges.


Provide a gracious western entry into the War Memorial Complex and Historic Civic Center District by regrading and repaving the existing pathways and roadways to create a flexible use plaza that forms a beautiful civic gateway between Hayes Valley and the War Memorial Complex. The Plaza accommodates vehicular access (parking and loading) as well as events and programming.



Durable, elegant, and smooth paving creates a flexible use plaza and cues vehicles to drive slowly through the space.

Design could incorporate event infrastructure, such as tent footing foundations and power pedestals, into the plaza.

Durable, elegant, and smooth paving
Durable, elegant, and smooth paving


Moveable planters can accommodate small trees or plantings, and can beplaced on lockable casters.

The planters could be moved to accommodate events. The planters would also fit within a tented event.

Moveable planters can accommodate small trees or plantings, and can be placed on lockable casters
Planters could be moved to accommodate events. The planters would also fit within a tented event.