“It’s interesting to see how the City’s changed, because I’m a native…These upstarts are coming in and ruining our City. They feel entitled to go and do whatever they want. It’s an entitlement thing, ‘We’ve got money so we can do what we want.’ And that aggravates us very much.

The other thing that aggravates San Franciscans: we never call our city Frisco! We only refer to San Francisco of one of two names: San Francisco or the City. If you call it anything else, then they know you’re not from San Francisco. If you ask a San Franciscan, we hate the word Frisco. Someone will go ‘Oh, you’re from Frisco?!’ And then you go, ‘….I’m not talking to you anymore.’

San Franciscans are very snobby in a very weird way…fashion doesn’t mean a lot to us, but I tell you, if you have an attitude, more than us –we can have an attitude, we’re San Franciscans–but you definitely can’t have more attitude than us.”

“San Francisco is not like the rest of the United States. You just cross the bridge or go two miles out, and it’s a whole different world.”

“San Francisco has always been very liberal thinking. Very accepting of everyone, very different politically. It’s always been a melting pot. We’ve got Russians—some of the oldest Russian communities in the [USA]—we’ve got Hispanics, Irish. It’s really a melting pot on the West Coast. We’re different.”

“I’ve been in this market for three years. I used to work at Safeway for a brief time and then I quit before I lost all sense of my humanity! I love this. At Safeway, corporate reigned.”

“I ask people, ‘Where are you from?’ Just so I can see the demographics. It’s interesting to see how far people have actually come to come here. On Saturday night we got into an Uber going to Benihana. Our Uber driver was an Eskimo!…San Francisco is that City where you’ll meet an Eskimo driving an Uber.”